Parents School Knowledge Initiative Program

Many parents who have come to Canada as newcomers (immigrants, Government-Assisted Refugees, sponsored refugees or asylum seekers) have children in school. However, as the parents/guardians may not have attended school in Canada, there is often a knowledge gap (i.e., How to read report cards, the benefits of parent-teacher interviews, how to advocate for their child(ren), etc.), which puts them at a disadvantage in terms of being able to participate and navigate the school system with and for their children. 

This initiative hosts Parent Knowledge Sessions for parents who fit this criterion and are geographically located in a high-needs area. Each session runs for two hours and provides information to as many parents as possible. Parents/guardians have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with teachers. The goal is to maximize their involvement in their children’s education journey.

As so many parents are not knowledgeable and often do now know where to go to get answers about their children, their schooling and any resources they may need, this program serves Black & racialized communities to become more engaged in this process. While this program does not directly impact affordable housing, most of our clientele struggle with housing insecurity and unaffordability; this builds connections with us and may lead to a referral for housing services and may alleviate one area of stress these families and individuals goes through.


To learn more about this program, or to register, contact us using this form.


This project is funded by the Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation